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We are located in the heart of the Texas Hill Country in beautiful Llano Texas, a destination for hunting and recreation. 

We carry a wide range of long guns, hand guns, scopes/optics, hunting stands, accessories and ammunition. In addition, we provide gun repair, gunsmithing services and cleaning services. We will even mount and bore sight your new scope purchased in our store for free! New to our store, crossbows and bolts.

Our Indoor Pistol Range is OPEN !

We offer LTC ($85) and Basic Pistol Classes ($35) taught by Certified Instructors. Classes include range time.

Need to practice your marksmanship? Our indoor range is climate controlled and only $15!

We hope to see you again! Check back later for new updates to our website. There's much more to come!

Remington Marlin Henry Ruger Browning Mossburg

Springfield Colt Walther Taurus Ruger Cimarron

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